Sunday, January 31, 2010

General stuff & two more mini-projects.

Here is an overview of the classroom and the artists at work. We've been twisting two wires together to make strength for our wire sculptures.
A couple of other mini-project paper sculptures -

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Project No 1 - Wire/Line

This first (of five) major project starts with the idea that lines can describe a volume/an object. A bit like a contour drawing.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Enjoy these quick projects - paper and glue period!
Some projects were quite delicate and others showed how sturdy paper can be. Check-out the craftsmanship! We were able to capture the 3D aspect of various objects more effectively than I thought we would. I forgot to photograph my project and two students were absent due to heavy rains that caused some flooding. So I will post those three projects in a few days.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Beginning the mini-project

Today was the first day of class and we got started on the mini-project. Here are just a few examples of how we began the semester-
You might have to guess just what the finished object is going to be? You can click on each image to enlarge it and to clearly see the artist's name!
I will post all the projects when they are completed.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Here at Mansfield University, spring classes start in a couple of days. The 3D design students will be asked to start working (hands on!) almost as soon as they come in the door.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting Ready!

While we wait for the new Allen Hall to be completed (above), we make due in the old Allen Hall. The basement room known as G22A was loaded with stuff (below) that is now cleaned out.
Twelve looms are now pushed into two areas at one end of the room.(above) and the space now looks like a good art room (below).
Above instuctor John Shanchuk, of section 1 of the required Three Dimensional Design class, is happy to be hauling stuff away. Below the instructor Paul Bozzo, of section 2, helps clean out the room.